Action Station Art

On 18th of October I did action stations. The station I went to was Art with Fi and Talei in Tane Mahuta. On that session we learn’t about shading and the art work we would be doing. I went to art with Kelsi. We got handed a sheet and we had to fill it out in shades of light to dark. My least favourite was doing the dots but my favourite was cross hatching. I think it was kind of fun but I still enjoyed it.

























On th session we learned about shading and the art we will be doing.

Sphero in Maths

For the last month my maths group has gone down to the library and have been learning how to programme sphero move making shapes. I’m in a group with Malaya and our plan and coding is the pictures down here.

Passion project

On Friday the 13th our class did passion projects which is when we write a goal of what were doing and we see if were achieving the goal we set. Today I chose to do line dancing because it was cloudy and miserable to go outside and do football. I danced with Eliza, Daisy and some other girls. The dances we did were the Bunny Hop, Cowboy up and Achy breaky heart. I thought it was fun. My goal for line dancing was to not make a single mistake when I’m doing the dances. I think I achieved that except for getting distracted. I think that I did good and I would like to do dancing again for my next passions.

My Nature Poem


For Literacy we have been learning about Literal language and figurative language. We have also been learning about idioms and researching phrases like, ” Let the cat out of the bag” Which means letting a secret out. The class has been learning to write a poem with at least one Idiom in it and the explanation. My poem I did was about a human she or he going into the forest and enjoying their time there. She hears and sees things in the peaceful background and knows that the forest to her or he is like a treasure to them.



In literacy we have been learning about Figurative language and literal language. I did an Idiom task on Google drawing about a Idiom and the meaning of it. I did To let the cat out of the bag which means To let a secret out. I even researched the origin of this Idiom. I drew the literal and Figurative of what let the cat out of the bag.

Isometric shapes

On maths the 13th of August we got a sheet of paper called Isometric dot paper.  On that we carefully drew out 3D shapes that were pretty much made out of sides and faces. One of the shapes I found easy was drawing the cube. It was small and easy to connect the dots. The tricky thing I found was drawing our own shapes that our other buddy made out of blocks.

So far I enjoyed drawing these out and I very much liked the activity.

Science Fair

On the 3rd of July we went down to the hall to go visit the science fair. I saw my work down there and it made me a little bit proud. I could see heaps of posters and diagrams and other work that other studios did. The experiments that I found more interesting were the Elephant toothpaste. I also tried out these marble courses that people made with cardboard. I think that the science fair was fun

Inter and Over Prefix’s

On Friday for spelling I learned about the prefix’s Inter and Over and their meaning. I made a short story including some of the words that I learned about.

When I woke up I stayed in bed, I could barely feel my body. I just wanted to stay in bed, but it was winter sports today so I had to go. I quickly looked out the window to see what the weather would be like today, I was very disappointed.  I checked the time, wow.. I really did oversleep.  I overpowered the morning with… Rushing to get things done. I quickly got to school and interacted with my friends. We felt dopey as the miserable morning went by. No football…